Left and Right Field Distraction

Physical eyes are designed look straight ahead so we can see clearly the way we are to go forward – and left and right field is used as a warning primarily as a way to see dangers or opportunities. Left and right field is not where we should be focusing – if we do focus on left and/or right we end up veering off course completely from our straight ahead direction and more importantly completely miss things that are in left, right or middle filed that are not just dangers but actually right and beneficial! Spiritual eyes are meant to be the same. We focus straight ahead but always keep abreast of all fields without permanently becoming sidetracked and taken off course – as all enemies love to do – the art of distraction is their greatest weapon.

Distraction – left, right, TV, entertainment you name it is any enemy’s best tool

As one would expect from a blind world, humans have made full left and full right the main political parties (with a few lame-ducks attempting to take the best of both and ending up with an impotent diluted mush) and directions and forgotten the main straight and narrow path. Yes I personally believe ‘right’ politics has been mislabelled and maligned and is actually often (and often not) ‘Straight ahead politics’ but my point is – ‘Left’ and ‘Right’ is a huge distraction and even Jesus warned about endlessly debate X over Y rather than truth over falsehood – from which the correct policies would naturally spring and much debate would be rendered pointless or not even arise.

Politics will always be a dirty game – it’s why the messiah will not be a mere man

The Bible says the world is the Devil’s playground – his domain, so I think of it like a giant muddy football pitch so we will always get dirt on us in all areas of life – work, family life and everywhere else (this is where God’s grace comes in beautifully) and always have to grapple with keeping clean but to some extent this is impossible. But that never means we should stop trying – not to be saved but to model Jesus in a dark world.

Sure the scientists and technocrats think they can remove al the dirt using absolutely control through technology but this is only a band-aid and removes our greatest gift – freedom. The word will never be right until it’s remade – not by man – by God. But I say again – this does not mean Christians should give up trying to do good works. Why? – because of the great mystery – that light can ONLY shine in darkness. Therefore we must always seek to shine as long as we are alive as little lighthouses pinting to Jesus.

So let’s stay abreast of politics but only through the lens of Christ and the Bible – but not get caught up in ‘left’ ‘right’ distraction – just how the globalists would like us to be while they get on with creating their new Utopia’ – but let’s obsess if anything over ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. Let’s not go zooming off into left or right field and make that our main path.

And I’m not talking Tony Blair’s ‘third way’ politics either – another distraction – or some lame half-baked middle ground. Jesus warned that being luke-warm was worse than being hot or cold. So what does The Devil do? – he applies the word extreme to anyone who disagrees with him, simply because Jesus way is extremely different from his – quite a neat trick and something else to think about. We don’t want to be extreme like the activists – but only extreme in our faith, honesty and dedication to truth. Extremely good – raising holy hands whenever possible (or to put it another way – not lift unholy hands). If being extremely forgiving, quick to turning the cheek to wrong doing, loving, hard working to alleviate suffering makes us ‘extreme fundamentalists’ then so be it – but we know that’s a false label.

If we see some good things in left or right politics – all well and good, but we must never get into being one or the other – left or right (except when we vote where its about importantly voting for the least damaging party) thats what politicians have to do to stay on a job $$ – towing the party line even if it includes bad things. Let’s pick up our crosses and stick to the straight and narrow path and aim for the narrow gate.

By Ed Bonthrone(101Admin)

Hi all - I'm setting up this site to help Christians connect as we become an endangered species! I love creating things, interested in science, history, esp history of Christianity. Keen on art, painting and playing music but rarely get time - improvising, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical/art/design related. Quick note - my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive my bad grammar/spelling - feel free to let me know when you spot a gaff:)

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