So The Ten Commandments Have Been Done Away With Right?

First off – I want to say the following are my thoughts on this issue after being in church for 20+ years and reading the gospels and I don’t expect people to necessarily agree. I am always open to correction and better understanding so that’s why I left the comments open. So as long as we can discuss without being hurtful to each other – that’s what we’re here for.:)

I have lost count of the number of times I have been told by fellow Christians in the last twenty five years of going to church that the 10 commandments have been done away with. And it always confused me initially as to how you never saw the ten commandments in any church. I understand now it’s because because it would empty most of them, as the pastors have bills to pay.

But my question is – what is to fear, if the gospels tell us we are no longer under the condemnation of the law and we are saved by grace? Even my brother – not a Christian – appreciates the simplicity and perfection of these ten simple laws, and in practical terms believes they are the answer to the world’s ills – do not covet! Think of all the wars over land, wealth and resources. Of course Christians know Jesus’ blood atonement for sin is ultimately the world’s only salvation, and one day he may appreciate this.

The ‘abolishment’ of the ten commandments is a recent development (last 50-60 years); so do we have new revelation? – or are we subconsciously aware that sin has become far worse and hiding them is our way with dealing with it and keeping the pew seats warm?

I found out that ‘abolition’ of these incredibly simple effective and perfect laws is a recent development – and was not taught in churches a 100 years ago, and it does not occur in the commentary in my 200 year old Bible I have on my shelf where are taken as given – and in my humble (and possibly wrong) opinion, removing them from where they were once hung shamelessly in homes, law courts, schools, prisons and churches, is one main reason why we are seeing such a massive degradation in society of morals amongst both Christians and non Christians.

We are no longer under the condemnation (punishment) of breaking the law

So I just want to point out some things to folks IMHO. We know Jesus summarised the ten commandments in two – love Godlove your neighbour – to make it easy for folks to understand. But exactly HOW do you love God and, how do you love others as yourself? By saying “I love you”? I don’t think so. From what I read in the gospels and looking at Jesus I believe this is how;

To Love God; Have no other Gods before Him; worship no graven images; do not take His name in vain; keep the sabbath holy (why no work?.. may I suggest it’s to help you as all commerce is tainted as it involves money – the love of which is the root of all earthly evils).

To Love your Neighbour; honour thy father and mother; do not murder; do not covet, do not commit adultery, do not bear false witness (lie about your neighbour) – I won’t name them all, but these are how you do it in practice – and yes – you can sum them up in two, but these are not two additional ones – they ARE the ten. So I ask; is it possible to love God or men without DOING these things? We cant always do them properly – but they are HOW you love.

This article is not about salvation – we all know we can’t be saved by being good – it’s about the betterment of society at large (needed today more than ever) and in the church more than anywhere

Love is not saying you love somebody – it’s doing – it’s action – it’s your time – it’s what’s precious to you – not lip service. It’s doing – as Jesus did. In Revelation, The Devil is not angry with those who don’t keep the commandments – why would he be? He makes war on those that (try to) keep them – this is what infuriates him and it brings law and order and peace and love and harmony amongst men. Jesus even expanded on the command not to murder further when he talked about hating in your heart = murder.

But we should keep every day holy!

Of course we should try – goes without saying. But I often hear this from the same people that in the next breath, say the commandments have been abolished. But can’t we see the real grace?.. God knows in a world of evil and commerce, that keeping every minute of every day holy IS impossible, especially when we are consumed with worldly affairs we can’t and sometimes should not escape – such as raising families, serving others and working just to eat. But don’t show me faith without works the Bible says – yes I dared to say it – GOOD WORKS – the greatest of the loves is CHARITY – the bible says so (and that doesn’t mean reaching into your pocket, or conveniently expecting another entity to do the charitable deeds for you – charities only exist to make up the shortfall in us – esp. Christians). WE – individually and collectively are commanded to look after our neighbours where possible. And lo and behold – it turns out charity – doing good deeds to alleviate our fellow man’s suffering is more fulfilling than any other activity on earth.

We need to abolish the word ‘perfect’ not the commandments – no one can keep them perfectly and it’s foolish to try

So what does the ever pragmatic and reasonable God ask of us – in His grace? He reasons with us and says – look – I’m only going demand 1 pure day – which with a bit of effort, we can all manage – we really can – can’t we (not perfectly of course) but we focus on 1 day? We don’t have to steal, lie, covet – we can all do that with a bit of concentration and self-denial (that forgotten idea). And this is not about being good for one day. God prescribes for us like a medicine to focus 1 day on being pure, because

He knows we are like batteries – this will be our spiritual refill – our re-charge to go back out into the world and be holy for the next 6. Besides – if we spent all seven days consumed with the idea of not committing any sin and which necessarily involves not working – not only will be fail – we will starve. Since being in flesh leads us to be naturally selfish – He asks us to practice it 1 day – to focus like a sportsman, on retraining the neuronic pathways in the brain once a week – to literally renew or minds so it becomes second nature during the other six! This is very wise and how all artists and those seeking to become experts in any field are required to improve their skills so you no longer have to think – not 24-7 – short concentrated bursts! I know this is true as I am a musician and found it to be true myself, long before I learned it was the method suggested by most tutors.

Gove NEVER said “don’t keep the other 6 days holy”

You don’t leave a battery on permanent charge – it must be allowed to do it’s job – spend it’s energy freely or left on permanent charge it may even explode. God is reasonable! What God did say, make sure you don’t forget to keep 1 day holy (I suggest also because he knew we wouldn’t be very good at managing all 7 in our fallen nature).

It’s crystal clear in the Bible keeping the commands won’t save us – but that’s not the point to keeping them – the point is to preserve law, order and freedom without draconian law

I often hear that no ‘one can keep them 100% the time’. But why make this statement in the first place? Preachers never used to say this, because keeping them 100% time was never – ever the point of having them. Apart from the fact this is irrelevant to this article (why would think that the goal is to try to keep them 100% time – or even doable?). But then seriously, how hard is it not to bear false witness for an hour – or 24?.. or honour thy parents for a day, or not to steal for a month? Let’s rephrase it; no one can keep them all the time perfectly and to expect that would be ridiculous – so Jesus – as always ultra-practical and sensible doesn’t expect it. He knows we frequently fail – that is the GREAT wonder and gift of forgiveness and freedom from condemnation (punishment) of breaking the law. They are basics to living we all know in our hearts are right and true. How can any Christian not love these?

The world’s answer to sin are more and more laws imposed top down by government – band-aids and less freedom. God’s answer is personal re-formation – the ten commandments spiritually from the ground up and more freedom. And yes !FREE! from the condemnation of breaking them when we fail – wonderful!

So I suggest (as always feel free to correct me) these 10 beautiful and perfect commands given to us to show us HOW to love God and love people never left us (as much as we’d like them to go away – I’ve broken every one multiple times and will continue to do so during my life) and Jesus fulfilled every one in PRACTICE and even said he came to do as such – and if we are to model ourselves after him? I believe if we could educate our children to keep just the tenth commandment some of the time – we might eliminate most of the world’s problems.

A last thought

I have long felt that the real reason the commandments are no longer hung on the walls of churches, schools or homes or law courts, has to do with personal sin, feelings of guilt, and not wanting to make the congregation or others feel uncomfortable. In the old days they were placed there for precisely the opposite reason – to convict – to make fully aware. Well I have news for anyone that feels guilty – or anyone that might point the finger and make others feel unworthy. We ALL need to sit before the 10 commandments and understand our guilt – and then we need to understand that WE ARE FORGIVEN. Jesus didn’t say to the woman at the well – “you have not sinned” – he said “Go and sin no more.” In other words – move forward and make changes. She couldn’t possibly undo what was done – was she supposed to marry all her lovers and husbands? Impossible – so Jesus didn’t ask her to. God is about the future – grave – moving forward. But let’s not bury the truth, we must attempt to face our sins head on without fear of condemnation since Christ has paid the full price for breaking the law on our behalf already. Now that is grace.

By Ed Bonthrone(101Admin)

Hi all - I'm setting up this site to help Christians connect as we become an endangered species! I love creating things, interested in science, history, esp history of Christianity. Keen on art, painting and playing music but rarely get time - improvising, guitar (first instrument), drumming (not very good at it:), and anything musical/art/design related. Quick note - my articles are usually spun off in minutes so forgive my bad grammar/spelling - feel free to let me know when you spot a gaff:)

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